Tuesday, June 2, 2015

my last lesson in Vefa High School

         Hello everybody!
         I'd like to share my last English course experience with you. It was a course which aims to hone students four skills especially listening skills and socialize students through pair work.
         I started the course by asking the questions below:
  •      Have you had any good or bad news from anyone?
  •      When did it happen?
  •    How did you feel when you heard it?
        I told the students they are going to hear a telephone conversation between an
American man and woman. I also told them to put their pens down and simply listen. When students are ready, I played the recording. I asked the students to call out all the names they could remember and wrote them on the board. I asked the questions below:
  •          What is the relationship between Kevin and Anne?
  •          Who is Dennis?
  •          Who are Becky and Kate?

      I told the students she would going to play the recording again. Additionally, I explained they were supposed to note down what news Anne gave about Dennis, Becky and Kate. I also reminded them to note Kevin’s news. I wrote Dennis, Becky, Kate and Kevin on the board. After listening to the recording again, I wrote those people’s news under the names of name with the regard of the students’ answers. I asked students whether they could remember when each of these things had happened. When I couldn't hear answers I told the students she would play the recording once more and they were supposed to shout “Stop!” when they heard when each thing had happened. I played the recording, stopped whenever the students called out “Stop”. I handed out a worksheet including ‘True/False’ questions and gave time them to answer them. After that, I heard their answers.
        It was my last lesson and everything was great. I will miss so much these sweet students in Vefa high school!
        I hope you like my activities in this last course. Please, remember to comment on my blog. 

Sincere regards :)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

my mini lesson

I would like to talk about my mini lesson. It was a follow up activity. I wanted to try something different I hope you like. 
Before starting, I hanged a material about twitter on the board in order to catch their attention. I can say that it was really effective because all the students looked at the board and they said “Twitter!” Then, I asked whether they have a Twitter account or not. Most of them replied as “Yes!” and all the students knew what the twitter is. I also explained what Twitter is and how it is used and mentioned about 140-letter limitation. I passed my main activity and wanted them to open a page I had determined before and read the narrative story silently. Actually, I recognized that they got confused because they couldn’t find out the relationship between Twitter and the narrative story. Whereas, that was the thing I had already planned so I felt good and went on. After reading silently, I asked one of the volunteers to read the story aloud and the rest stayed focused by the way. The narrative story was too boring both to read and listen to. It was about a group of young’s holiday experiences. I would like to summarize it in order to show the effect of my activity: While they are sitting down on the sand, some people are calling for help. It is for a girl who is about to get drowned. An ambulance comes and the girl is rescued. I asked them whether they like the story or not. They answered as “No.” I asked “Is the story exciting or ordinary?” They said “Ordinary.” This answer actually supported my activity and I went on. I said “Let’s try to do something different!” and I wanted them to close their eyes. I wanted them feel as if they were sitting down on the sand with their friends. Additionally, I wanted them feel as if it was holiday, everything was great, they were sunbathing and there was no homework. I made them think that a girl was calling for help and there was nobody to help her. They opened their eyes. I mentioned about hashtags used in Twitter environment. I add “I want you to write ‘What would you do if you were there?’ or ‘How would you feel if you were there?” in 140 letters. I added “Our hashtag is #iwould ” After all the students finished, I wanted volunteers to share their tweets with the whole class.
I have to say that the original activity was a writing activity but it was really commonplace so I asked myself “How can I make this writing activity more enjoyable?” I also wanted to take less time. Thus, writing tweet sounded me so cool and different. I believe that they had to think fast and produce some different solutions so the activity prompted critical thinking. The last grammar topic they had learnt was ‘If Clauses’. Thus, they could create sentences like “If I were there, I would…” easily and this activity provided retention of ‘If Clauses’. Besides, they comprehend the story implicitly. I believe that I conduct the class in a good way. I always spoke in English. Even when the students asked me something in Turkish, I answered in English. The tone of my voice was high enough and my sentences are understandable. I used colourful boardmarkers and my material could be seen even from back rows. I think this details are really important. The issue I was criticized by my teacher is about giving feedback. I accept it because after watching my video, I also noticed that my feedbacks were always short when I heard the tweets. I should have given feedback in more detailed way yet we had little time and that was a follow-up activity. Thus, I didn’t want to talk too much. Instead, I wanted to hear more ideas. Another criticism came from my friend about studying individually. He said I should have done group work. As I said him, I couldn’t have done group activity because of the specific reasons. I tried it before but it took too much time to make groups and I asked some of the students whether they like group works or studying individually. The answer was interesting. They said “Of course, individually.” I learnt that they feel more comfortable individually during writing activities. In order to make the activity more economic, I preferred an activity which every students can join individually. It was a follow-up activity and it took 13 minutes. In 13 minutes, we comprehend a narrative story, we activated our brains and produce different ideas in the structure “If Clauses” and we share our ideas. 

Problem Solving Task

The Third Week
I handed out some colourful cards which include some target vocabulary for warm-up. They acted out the words or drew some and their friends try to guess. The students had great fun while trying to convey the meanings of words without speaking. Additionally, this warm-up activity was really practical in terms of time and all the students stayed active during the activity.
I passed problem solving task activity. I explained the situation to the students and asked them to find a solution for the tourist. I divided the class into two groups as individuals and pairs. Each group was handed out a situation that reflects a problem about real life. I also gave the individuals the same situation. The pairs discussed the possible problems seen in the worksheet given by the teacher while individuals were studying on their own.After discussing and thinking of possible solutions, they wrote their solutions about the situation that they had deduced from their situations by using target vocabulary given. I collect papers. The students liked this task very much. They wrote so many interesting solutions. 
I handed out some worksheets which include the target vocabulary. They matched the words with the pictures representing their meanings. It was really an easy activity since the aim was just to provide recall of the target vocabulary. I collected worksheets. 

Jigsaw Task

      The Second Week
I said that they would play a game called “hangman”. I divided the class into five groups and each group chose one student for writing and the writer came to the board. She picked a word up from the box. This word was from target vocabulary. The student wrote blanks on the board according to the given word. The other members of the group tried to guess by saying a letter one by one. When the letter they had said does not belong to the word, the student drew a part of the man on the board. There were two words for each group to write and guess. At the end of the game, we clapped the winner group. I have to say that this activity took more time than I had planned. Since we didn’t have any time limitation, they used time freely. However, they had great fun during the activity and all the students were active and seemed to be excited.
I passed jigsaw task. I divided the class into two groups as individuals and pairs. I handed out some pictures and explained the task steps. The students examined the pictures given. They tried to put the pictures in their right rows. After this section, they wrote a paragraph telling the theme of the story by using target vocabulary given in a box. Half of the class studied on their own and the rest studied in pairs. I collected the students’ papers. Actually, I wanted the same people’s studying collaboratively and leaving the same students alone yet a lot of objections broke out. Some of the students said “I don’t want to do it myself, I want to study with my partner!” or some of them said “I prefer studying individually. Since I didn't want them to do the task reluctantly, I let them change their studying styles. As I thought, they were happier and more productive during the task.

I handed out some worksheets which include the target vocabulary. They matched the words with the pictures representing their meanings. It was really an easy activity since the aim was just to provide recall of the target vocabulary. I collected worksheets. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Dictogloss Task

First week
I divided the classroom into pairs. I wanted one of the partners from each group to pick up a word from the box I had prepared before. These words had been chosen from target vocabulary and they became group names of them. These pairs were supposed to stand up when they heard their group names in the sentence which teacher said. I started to read the sentences and wait for them. I hoped the activity in high school would become as funny as in secondary school yet it didn’t. The student didn’t stand up immediately but I believe that they could understand the usages of target vocabulary implicitly.
I passed dictogloss task activity. I made them listen to a story from a native speaker by using smart board. I divided the class into two groups as individual and pairs. The students studying collaboratively noted down some key points together and individuals noted down on their own while listening to the text for the second and third times. The pairs discussed their key notes and tried to build up a text through interacting with each other while individuals were creating their texts on their own. This stage was good, there were a great deal of interaction between pairs. Individuals tried to talk to their friends yet I had to make them remember the instructions. After all the students finished, I collected their papers.
I handed out some worksheets which include the target vocabulary. They matched the words with the pictures representing their meanings. It was really an easy activity since the aim was just to provide recall of the target vocabulary. I collected worksheets. 

teaching vocabulary is an important issue

Hi everyone!
I have some news for you :) I and my friend are conducting a thesis in the field of ELT this year. Since we give importance on vocabulary teaching very much, we determined our research topic as "The Contribution of Collaborative and Individual Tasks to the Acqusition of L2 Vocabulary" I implemented the study on my student in Vefa High School. I would like to share the steps of the study with you! I hope you like. Follow my posts and see!

Sincere regards :)

Friday, April 10, 2015

observation again

 -the second week-
The teacher introduced grammar orally. She explained the rules with some examples. They were about “Passive Voice” and “Reported Speech”.
The teacher started a discussion about books and e-books. It was a speaking activity. The students explained their preferences and the reason. I liked the title of discussion.
Then, they passed the reading activity. The teacher asked “Who wants to read?” A volunteer read the text. She focused on unknown vocabulary. She gives their meanings in Turkish.
The students answered comprehension questions. When their answers are true, the teacher praised them by saying “very good, well done etc.”

At the end of class the teacher made them watch a video. The teacher and class spoke about it after watching.